Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Unemployment beckons.

I handed in my resignation on Monday.

I've been doing this job for quite a while; four and a half years here in Melbourne and a couple of years in Queensland. That's a lot of rubber stamps. A lot of responsibility and day to day deadlines that has recently started to turn a few hairs grey.

I'm off to the UK in a few weeks, and it just made sense that when I return in October I'd be looking for a fresh start and a bit of a distraction before I embark on the next (grown up) phase of my life.

I've a few projects in mind. The Magic Spot could do with some more intense work; there's recording for that coming up, and I could get a few covers gigs to pay some bills. There's a couple of Xmas projects bubbling away in the background that need some attention, and who knows what else I'll find to fill in the time.

I am very relieved, but at the same time anxious about what the future holds.

Yeayhe unemployment.

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